How To Add Drivers Using Nlite
Feb 22, 2007 The original Windows XP Installation CD, a freeware application named NLite and a blank CD. Moreover, we need the drivers for the SATA controller provided by the manufacturer. Labtec 800 driver. Integration Nlite displayed that I was adding mainly.inf and.pnf files. If you want to extract all in-use drivers, you should let a tool like.
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- over an hour? you arnt using an extracted iso on a usb key are you? that would explain it.
Exx - edited April 2016Thanks for the response Emma. i7 CPU at 3.6GHz, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD as the temp and scratch drive. When I was doing this on a standard 7200RPM drive it took almost 5 hrs.
- kaveri a8 7600 apu, 4gb ram, no pagefile, 2 7200rpm wd laptop hdd's. one for the os(and ntlites std folder settings) and the other has the extracted iso folder.
having a single fast, 300mb + read and write ssd, should be at least equal to my write read speeds for my 2 drives, give or take, or better.
i7? 4 cores, 8 threads? you have got the horsepower alright, it must be a drive issue you have then. try to clean up your drive etc. see, even a single fast ssd should cope with the extracted folder and the standard ntlite temp folder settings all on the same drive. 2 ssd's or 1 ssd and a 7200 hdd sould still be quick.
extract iso, run ntlite, load, remove 1 driver, apply and export should be max, MAX 30 mins tops.
recent test i did was integrate 260 updates, no shrinking or tweaking, took 2 hours.
Exx - edited April 2016Thanks Emma. Every time I open the image it opens the previous log. Every time I click apply I think it is re-applying the previous tasks.. I must be doing something wrong. or missing a step or 2 altogether.
I was using an Intel 180GB SSD, Started running low on space and so swapped it out for a Sandisk 256GB. Both seem to perform about the same. Both have been tested ok. I would agree that a single SSD will perform significantly better than 2 - 7200RPM drives. - edited April 2016ahh, its auto loading the previous preset. check your settings. adding 29 packages and 1018 drivers, no bleeding wonder its taking so long hehehe
question, in the jpg, what are the letters in boxes at the top? f t u and a, that dont look right
E - doing simple tasks with ntlite, the intel and sandisk drives should cope quite well on their own.
for full bore updates, drivers and shrinking, if you are able to have the 2 ssd's connected, 1 for c: drive - ntlite standard folder settings, and the other for the extracted iso(dvd copied over) and updates and drivers, with the i7, it should fly.
E - The F T U A are what appear when you hit the alt key.
I will remove the previous tasks and continue. I ass-umed that the program knew not to re-integrate. Thanks for the input. - keep your presets, just uncheck load last preset. they are handy to have for comparisons.
the ftu and a, a bug maybe? i dont know. nuhi will prolly read this and check that out
Exx - just for the record, for nuhi, the ftu and a, what version of ntlite are you using?
Exx - edited April 2016So I must have been removing the drivers incorrectly as they are still in the build. I was simply removing them from the build queue. Is it actually possible to un-integrate drivers once they have been integrated or do I need to start over?
- ALWAYS start afresh with an untouched iso or files copied from a dvd.
Exx - Well I certainly understand why you would want to start fresh every time but from an experimentation aspect, I would want to simply remove the unwanted stuff from the build otherwise I would have to re-enter all of the post setup command line options, reintegrate etc. The time wasted re-integrating and adding drivers is substantial.
- starting with a fresh image is the accepted line, but if your method works for you and gives no errors, go for it.
Exx - starting with a fresh image is the accepted line, but if your method works for you and gives no errors, go for it.
Exx - edited April 2016howardd, it's true that the existing driver detection is missing. It will try to integrate but skip existing ones silently, it won't take double the space.
Until that feature where the UI will block existing ones in advance, please just add new drivers when you want to add some to the already modified image.
When you remove pending add queue items, it won't remove it from the image.
Thanks for your feedback. - Cheers Nuhi. I really do appreciate the help. It makes sense that already added items will not be removed by simply removing them from the queue. Thanks for clearing that up.
I think I may have just bit off a bit more than I can chew in this case. I was adding all drivers I could find and integrating. After install I would find certain drivers causing issues and thus would want to remove them. Not possible and so would need to rebuild the image. I was hoping to be able to remove the bad drivers directly in order to minimize build time. Maybe call that lesson learned or try and make that happen during a later build.
I am having another issue as well. I am using WSUS Offline to download my updates and after integrating and during install, I get an error. I can't see this being specific to my situation and so would really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. During install I get error 'Install Windows - Windows could not configure one or more system components. To install Windows, restart..'. This is due to an integrated update.
I have done some searching online and found that KB2533552, 2603229 and 2506143 should not be included in the build before Windows has been installed. After checking, KB2533552 is the only one in the build and so I removed it and re-built the image. Same problem. Any ideas? Is there a Windows installation log I can read to find the culprit?
In the mean time, I use the 'shift-F10' method while the error is on the screen to bypass and then restart. I just want to make it work without the hickup.
Any help would be great. Thanks again Emma and Nuhi. Cheers - howardd, I'm interested in the file list for those updates that cause you issues, you can attach or send me your preset used containing them.
- Here is my latest xml file. Hope you can figure this out. Cheers
- Latest attempt leaves only 30 or so updates required. Still get the same error. As mentioned previously I use the 'Shift+F10' method to get past it. After that it does a few more things and then I get a black screen where nothing seems to be happening. At that point I hit the reset key and it boots into windows without any issues.
I have read in other forums of people having similar issues. One suggestion was to slip Dot Net 4.5 into the build as some of the updates in the list require it. Thoughts?
Cheers - @howardd
I ran into the same issue with the same error but I did not add any drivers to my ISO. I just used wsusoffline to download the updates and used NTLite to build the ISO. I tried twice and finally ended up using UpdatePack7R with the Simplix script. It was simpler and worked flawlessly the first time but I sure would like to get to the bottom of this so I can once again use NTLite. - Goes without saying I never had that issue, but you could try the latest NTLite 3933 and use the rollup update KB3125574,
then add the rest of the updates that you wish to integrate.
Press Analyze after adding it to the list to see any recommendations.
Many updates are superseeded now, so you might get at the end messages of skipped updates, safe to ignore unless the error described seems serious and not just about not being applicable.
If it fails again with a black screen, let me know, with preset attached, thanks.