Export Svg File From After Effect
Shape layers in After Effects are powerful tools for making compositions, but designers unfamiliar with the software may find them difficult to use. For those more familiar with Illustrator, you’re in luck: importing Illustrator files into After Effects has become easier with each new release. However, there is still some prep work that must be done to your Illustrator file before it can be imported into After Effects. Here’s what you need to do.
If you want to use After Effects to turn your XD designs into custom animations or micro-interactions, do the following: In XD, select the layer or artboard you want to animate in After Effects. Select File Export After Effects. If After Effects is not installed on your machine, this option is grayed out.
Step 1
For this example, I’m going to start off with Shutterstock image 183708254. You can chose any of the cameras from this image, but I’m going to be using the one pictured below.
Step 2
Create a new Illustrator document that’s 1920px by 1080px. This will be the size of our composition in After Effects. Copy and paste the camera into the new document and resize to your liking.
Step 3
If we went ahead and brought this into After Effects right now, the camera would act like a single object. The resulting animation would be very boring. You wouldn’t have any control over the individual shapes that make up the camera. Therefore, our main goal before bringing it into After Effects is to separate each shape into its own layer. This can be done two ways.
Option 1:
Open up the Layers Panel. If it’s not already on your sidebar, go to Window > Layers.
To create a new layer, click the icon that looks like a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the Layers panel. Create a lot of layers so you don’t have to keep going back to that button.
Next, ungroup everything and select a single shape. In the Layers panel, notice that a little square has appeared on the far right side of the layer.
To bring the selected shape into a new layer, click on that square and drag it into one of the new layers. Once it has been moved, rename it so you’ll be able to tell which shape is in that layer.
Do this for each shape. After a shape is moved to its own layer, it’s helpful to hide it. This way, you’ll be able to see which ones still need to be moved to their own layers.
War thunder boris sound mod. Option 2:
Open up the Layers panel. Select the camera layer. Next, click the icon at the top-right of the panel and select the Release to Layers (Sequence) option.
This will put each individual shape into its own layer. After, select all the layers and drag them outside of the layer they are all in. That empty layer can then be deleted.
Go through all the layers and rename them so you know which shape the layer contains. It may take a while, but it will save you time once you get into After Effects.
That’s pretty much it. Simple, right? We’re now ready to bring the Illustrator file into After Effects.
Step 4
Open After Effects and go to File > Import > File. Select your Illustrator file and, at the bottom, where it says “Import As,” make sure to select Composition – Retain Layer Sizes.
Open up the newly created composition, and you’re ready to animate!
See the top of this post for a sample animation of what could be created using just one of Shutterstock’s many vectors!
Hope you enjoyed this post. For another great Illustrator tutorial, check out our Adobe Illustrator Map Art Tutorial.
- Video can be exported with the After Effects Render Queue or with Adobe Media Encoder.
- Video with a transparent layer needs to be exported with an alpha channel.
After Effects
Export with the Render Queue
- Select the composition in the Project Window
- Go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue.
- In the Render Queue window change the Outfit Module by clicking on Lossless.
- For Format choose Quicktime.
- In Video Output set channels to RGB for regular video. For a video with an alpha channel choose RGB + Alpha.
- Click Format Options and choose Apple ProRes 422 (LT) for regular video and or Apple ProRes 4444 for an alpha channel.
- The Audio Output setting defaults to Auto. Audio will only be exported if the composition has audio. Audio can also be set to on or off.
- Click OK
- Set the out put destination by click on the composition name next to Output To. Browse to your folder and click OK
- Click Render in the top right corner to start to exporting the video.
Export with Adobe Media Encoder
- Select the composition in the Project Window
- Go to File > Export > Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue.
- Adobe Media Encoder will open with the composition added to the Queue.
- To change the preset drag the desired preset on top of the default preset.
- * Use 1920 Screening ProRes 422 LT for regular video.
- For an alpha channel use CCAM ProRes 4444 Playback.
- Click on the CCAM ProRes 4444 Playback setting in the Queue to open the settings.
- The Video Codec should be Apple Pro Res 444.
- Set the Render at Maximum Depth setting to 16-bpc + Alpha.
- Click OK
- Click the text in the Output File column to set the export location. Browse to your folder and click Save
- Click the green play button in the top right corner to start to exporting the video.
- Note: Always export the file to the local computer, watch the export and then copy your file onto the server after it is finished.